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About Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a long term (chronic) physical, neurological and psychological condition that can cause widespread pain.

Many sufferers find the condition has a major impact on their quality of life.

The exact causes of fibromyalgia are unknown, it is believed to be associated with extreme physical or mental trauma

such as PTSD and may also be related to chemical changes in the brain.


Healthcare tends to focus on ways of managing the condition as there is no cure.


The condition can vary from day to day, but symptoms can include,

Chronic widespread pain, and/or acute localised pain.

Fatigue and exhaustion, sufferers can often become bed bound for days at a time.

Sleep disorders.




Increased stress or worry., 

Feeling low or weepy.

IBS and incontinence.

Forgetfulness and poor concentration, known as fibro-fog.

Increased sensitivity to cold or knocks and bumps.

Painful, tender, overly sensitive joints and muscles.


Professional medical treatment focuses on long term pain management strategies.

So, in addition to strong pain medications, self management plays a very important part of dealing with fibromyalgia and the symptoms it causes.

Long term self management strategies include,

psychological therapies like meditation and passive physical exercises like tia chi.


Our organisation aims to help individuals that this condition has impacted most.

Our aim is to benefit the health and wellbeing of these individuals in a positive way through interaction with wildlife and nature coupled with light and meaningful activities.

A great example of how positivity and creativity can overcome the effects of fibromyalgia is “Lady GaGa” 

who also suffers with the condition and can still succumb to its debilitating effects from time to time.

We believe our organisation can bring about significant changes towards the health and wellbeing of our volunteers through positive and creative methods involving wildlife and nature.

If you suffer with this condition and think we can help please don't hesitate to contact us.
We are here and can help.


Support Local Wildlife and its Habitats

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